Bottom Hole Assembly Tools
We can provide BHA tools that include (but are not limited to): jars, shock tools, stabilization/reaming tools (roller reamers, diamond enhanced reamers) and tubulars (drill collars and HeviWate):
Impact Tools
Prior to the Rhino Reamer, Smith had a tiered offering of traditional undereamers. The following list is in order of more to less premium. The more premium product generally has a smaller opening diameter, greater durability, and more readily integrated into a drilling system.
Diamant Drilling Services, an API Certified and European based drilling bits supplier to the Oil and Gas drilling industry, designs and manufactures entire sweep of fixed cutter bit options listed below:
Odfjell Well Services Wellbore Clean-Up Tools We can provide all available options from Odfjell Well Services Wellbore Clean-Up Tools. This includes but is not limited to:
Dynomax supplies leading performance drilling products engineered for the oil and gas industry. We provide high value products and services for vertical, directional and horizontal drilling operations worldwide.
Our product lines include:
Wildcat Oil Tools XpressDrill Wellbore Departure System
We can provide the following available options from Wildcat Oil Tools XpressDrill Wellbore Departure System:
We can provide the following available options from Weatherford QuickCut™ Whipstocks systems: